You see it every day in the gym. Everyone hitting the big movements; bench, squat, deadlifts, press, calve raises, etc…
You also hear the same things, “I can’t bench anymore, my shoulder kills”, or “Squats wrecked my (insert muscle/joint here)!”
Fix Your Shoulder – READ THIS
Now you can be powerful, you can be explosive but can you be in it for the long haul? The key to training and athletic preparation is longevity. But few are willing to do what it takes if they don’t get that immediate satisfaction.
They love doing bench press because is blows their chest up. They love doing curls because it pumps up the biceps. But few consistently incorporate the maintenance and rehab exercises that are important for their long term health.
Shoulder exercises, strength and free flow movements targeting the activation and strength of the muscles (deltoids, teres minor/major, serratus anterior, traps, SITS, rhomboids, lats) that stabilize and engage upper body movements MUST BE DONE and are as important as the heavily loaded compound movements.
Here at Diesel, we’ve been providing you with these essential exercises for years because we understand this simple concept.
If fact, with respect to the upper body, you can see:
- The Best Rotator Cuff Rehab Series on the Net
- Ultimate Two Minute Upper Body Warm-up
- How to Perform Face Pulls
NEW Face Pulls
Here is a new variation to the conventional execution of face pulls.
Why is it different?
Because we are utilizing a band and ensuring that the hands are equi-distance apart throughout the rotation and end point of the movement. This ensures we have a greater latissimus dorsi, teres major/minor and tricep engagement.
If you focus on the form it is an amazing addition to your arsenal. Utilize an Elite mini-band and step away from the cage to increase the tension.
How to Perform:
Step 1: Shoulder Retraction
Step 2: Externally Rotate
Step 3: Externally Rotate Maintain Distance Between Hands Pulling the Band Apart
New Face Pulls Video
Hartman and Robertson, Inside – Out, The Ultimate Upper Body Warm-up, 2006.
Sahrmann, Shirley, Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes, Mosby, 2002.
Escamilla RF, Yamashiro K, Paulos L, Andrews JR., Shoulder muscle activity and function in common shoulder rehabilitation exercises. Sports Med., 2009.
How to Build Muscle | Muscle Building Workouts | How to Lose Fat | Six Pack Abs | Build Muscle, Muscle Gaining Workouts | Build Muscle Membership SiteSimilar Posts:
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