I have received questions about Speed Bag Hitting lately.
I have a handful of videos up on YouTube that can help with this.
Basic Speedbag Hitting Techniques
Working into Some Advanced Techniques
Really Advanced Stuff: Quadruple Elbow Strikes
Some Really Crazy Stuff: Covering Eyes While Hitting
But It All Started With This, Diesels
Everybody’s gotta start somewhere. When I first started, I couldn’t do any of the advanced stuff. I couldn’t even do the basic stuff!
The video directly above is me after just a couple of months of having my own platform. It was lame cheap-o model that shook and vibrated, and I needed the big bag in order to maintain control on the bag.
Hitting the speedbag is a great type of training to add to your routine. While challenging, it can also be very relaxing as well as useful for warm-up for the shoulders and elbows, something very important for those of you who train your grip hard and are susceptible to things like tennis elbow and other elbow pain.
In fact, I made speed bag hitting part of my warm-up for about a year straight because it helped me get blood into my upper forearm and elbow area, and kept things like forearm and elbow pain away.
I am planning on putting up a new platform for hitting the speedbag. I used to do it just about every day, but I had to take my old platform down when I added a bathroom downstairs, and have begun to really miss it.
Hopefully, I can get something installed soon, and you can look forward to more speed bag videos.
All the best in your training.
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